LMS Highways Corporate Brochure


The Client: LMS Highways – highway maintenance specialists.

The Project: Corporate Brochure

The Aim: LMS Highways had separate leaflets for each of their specialist areas, produced as they grew their business and offerings. The leaflets were being placed in a folder and given to prospects. SW1 were tasked with amalgamating the leaflets into one brochure.

The Aim: LMS Highways had separate leaflets for each of their specialist areas, produced as they grew their business and offerings. The leaflets were being placed in a folder and given to prospects. SW1 were tasked with amalgamating the leaflets into one brochure.

The Undertaking: LMS has brand guidelines in relation to their logo, fonts, and colours, other than that SW1 had free reign with the styling of the brochure. Working in the infrastructure industry meant the clientele was male dominated and the brochure had to appeal to them. Although LMS was a new client for us we were able to quickly grasp their products and services and LMS were happy to let us complete the project with little input.

The Result: A modern, stylish brochure was created to appeal to the target market and display each of LMS’s services together in one place. The folder was now banished to the bin, no more leaflets falling out at inappropriate times. All the information was in one place and easy to access.

The Result: A modern, stylish brochure was created to appeal to the target market and display each of LMS’s services together in one place. The folder was now banished to the bin, no more leaflets falling out at inappropriate times. All the information was in one place and easy to access.

Other projects with LMS Highways – exhibition stand, print advertising.